Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Interesting work

Found and Lost

I was looking around my basement today and found some papers on Intercultural Communications, I was hoping this stuff could help with my panels. I am hoping that I can also have this link to my panel on Japanese mythology.

I'm excited on doing the research. The author is LaRay M. Barna who wrote "Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication," and some other books. These books are helpful in my research, not to mention commentaries.

If anyone can find books on Cross-Cultural Communication, it would be amazing.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

News for Animeland


I'm doing the panels, I'm not going to say much, but I'm going to working on not just the book, but also some new appeal to bring more people into it. I'm waiting for one of my co-panelists who are trying to assist in information.

I'm locking forward to the seeing the newest information and also I am still waiting on talking to Lunning on her books and also the editing done.

I'm also working on a commentary work on Anime Fan culture and also the difference between Japan and the US cultures. Not to mention the world cultures, we are looking at the huge group of people and also the fandom is growing each year.

Convention Information

If anyone from Animeland wants to do some outside convention conversations regarding the panels, I'm going to mention that I'm not going to go into detail with NDK issues.

My Note Program was Revived

I got ONE NOTE back, yeah, that's right, I just got the software back on my laptop and now I can upload from the backups the information. The only problem is I don't have WORD or PowerPoint, I am warning you now, that if you want some more information on the panels and also some of the new information on Japanese mythology, I will be discussing in the next few entries on how perception helps in mythology.