I'm think of doing a panel for Animeland Wasabi called: Furs and Anime: What the Fur Fandom Did for Anime Fans. This is going to be a clear guide on the information and also friendship circles that have shown up since the Furs also were part of the Anime Fandom and if it wasn't for furries, there wouldn't be Anime conventions and other such fandoms.
I am aware of the horrible things that people have said about Furs, but I think that since their is a clear link we should do something to make people actually realize furs aren't bad.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Book News
Finished finally Historical Reality or Metaphoric Expression by Michael Wachutka and also Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal by Joseph Campbell.
I have this to say to anyone who is joining me on the research, these books are not for the faint of heart, in truth, I will tell you this much, they are hard and complex reading. Then again, Michael Wachutka's work has actually paid off in the end and I do understand the interpretations that aer important to make this book I am writing more possible than ever.
As I did tell people the goals are different only slightly, and some of the words of the wise is that Japan in itself is still rebuilding from the massive tsunami back in April, but again, strong people. There are many things to be said as I read and also realize that much of Japanese mythology is much like the people, but considering some of the places I wish to go are now underwater, there are many things I do wonder. Is Japan going to allow preservation groups come in with the intention to help save parts of the history and rebuild as best they can some recreated places? Are they going to allow anthropologists to come in and examine the historical areas and hope to restore everything to their former glory? I'm so curious and hopeful that with each step I take to get my book published that I hope something contributes to this.
I worry very much about the shrines that are affected by this because there is a great deal of historical worth and also the manuscripts that are inside are very important, it tells the story of the history and lives of the past leaders and it would be such a shame to lose something like that.
As far the book, yes its on track, but I'm going to say this again, as soon as some kind of discussion can be brought together, I am going to worry on and work on more information gathering.
I have this to say to anyone who is joining me on the research, these books are not for the faint of heart, in truth, I will tell you this much, they are hard and complex reading. Then again, Michael Wachutka's work has actually paid off in the end and I do understand the interpretations that aer important to make this book I am writing more possible than ever.
As I did tell people the goals are different only slightly, and some of the words of the wise is that Japan in itself is still rebuilding from the massive tsunami back in April, but again, strong people. There are many things to be said as I read and also realize that much of Japanese mythology is much like the people, but considering some of the places I wish to go are now underwater, there are many things I do wonder. Is Japan going to allow preservation groups come in with the intention to help save parts of the history and rebuild as best they can some recreated places? Are they going to allow anthropologists to come in and examine the historical areas and hope to restore everything to their former glory? I'm so curious and hopeful that with each step I take to get my book published that I hope something contributes to this.
I worry very much about the shrines that are affected by this because there is a great deal of historical worth and also the manuscripts that are inside are very important, it tells the story of the history and lives of the past leaders and it would be such a shame to lose something like that.
As far the book, yes its on track, but I'm going to say this again, as soon as some kind of discussion can be brought together, I am going to worry on and work on more information gathering.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Goals have shifted
When starting this three years ago, I found that since NDK 2008, the goals have become much more different. There was a lot problems and considering the way people act, and also the fact I was suddenly judged by people at some places. I became acutely aware of a lot stuff, so I opted that the lay out for this blog will change and also limiting the access to some information on the progress is sadly needed.....
Well...I'm sorry, not in the mood to hear them
Well...I'm sorry, not in the mood to hear them
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Banned from being a Panelist at NDK
I have opted on the situation with Nan Desu Kan, I will continue writing, but if the book gets published, no vendor at Nan Desu Kan may carry it.
Project Lunning is not cancelled, if we can't get her to NDK, then we get her to Animeland Wasabi.
As for books for the summer, I will be listing some of the works to look out for and what is worthwhile reading if you want to follow me on the journey of discovery.
Another project I am looking at is also martial arts in anime a commentary, Karate Kid (1980s) to present.
Project Lunning is not cancelled, if we can't get her to NDK, then we get her to Animeland Wasabi.
As for books for the summer, I will be listing some of the works to look out for and what is worthwhile reading if you want to follow me on the journey of discovery.
Another project I am looking at is also martial arts in anime a commentary, Karate Kid (1980s) to present.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Project Lunning
After careful consideration, I have thought about this through the night, I think that Frenchy Lunning should come to Animeland Wasabi, not so much Nan Desu Kan as a good idea, but considering how Frenchy is. I would like to meet her offline and actually talk to her on an academic level, I have been thinking about talking to her and seeing if I can get some support.
Fans of yaoi, yuri and other groups have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to this woman, so yes, I am thinking of someone who is not me. I am thinking about fans in general who have read and also enjoyed her works including Mechademia and many other works. She is amazing person and from what I heard is extremely hard to get a hold of.
Fans of yaoi, yuri and other groups have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to this woman, so yes, I am thinking of someone who is not me. I am thinking about fans in general who have read and also enjoyed her works including Mechademia and many other works. She is amazing person and from what I heard is extremely hard to get a hold of.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Frenchy Lunning
I have been wanting to speak with the editor of Mechademia and get her prespective on my work on Japanese mythology and how it appears in anime. I am more of trying to get some professors to actually take a good look at what I'm doing and also trying to find out the legit path to follow. So far I have not heard word back from the woman, she must be very busy.
Her work in the Anime fandom should be commended, she has done a great service and has helped in establishing us a little better. I do admire the woman and hope she will assist me in some way in this book.
Side note:
Historical Reality of Metaphoric Expression? by Michael Wachutka is the single most boring book I have ever had the displeasure to read....I am wishing to any deity that this person had some sense of depth, this book is dry and nearly as boring as sitting in a doctors office waiting for my dad's check up.
Her work in the Anime fandom should be commended, she has done a great service and has helped in establishing us a little better. I do admire the woman and hope she will assist me in some way in this book.
Side note:
Historical Reality of Metaphoric Expression? by Michael Wachutka is the single most boring book I have ever had the displeasure to read....I am wishing to any deity that this person had some sense of depth, this book is dry and nearly as boring as sitting in a doctors office waiting for my dad's check up.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A Commentary: Yaoi, Yuri, Dojinshi
I am actually going to look away from mythology and do a little focus for people to see what it is like. Mechademia is a collection of books and works from various different writers who were writing in context of the Anime community and also the affects manga has. It was also giving us a written documented history of the media.
In many cases I can tell you a lot about Japanese anime in several forms, but I am going to talk at length about something that does have a lot to do with my work. This is something that has started to show up almost since 2002 with several different forms of yaoi. It isn't just about "Level C" or "Sensitive Pornograph". This is more about the fact some of the yaoi that is out there has a lot to do with the history and also the progression of Shojo (Female's Manga) in Japan.
Mechademia Volume 2
"Revolutionary Romance: The Rose of Versailles and the Tranformation of Shojo Manga" and "Shojo Manga! Girls' Comics! A Mirror of Girls' dreams" are the first two sections that speak at length about the history of comics in Japan for girls.
Girls' literary magazines in the 1920s and 1930s, the shojo shosetsu (girls' novels) and accompanying illustrations serialized in them, developed a recognizable aesthetic and literary style. (Pg 4)
From the start of the first set of comics made for guys, there has always been a set for girls, at least in the Japanese world. S
adly for America, the female comics were not to show up until the 1950s with Archie comics and some of the others that were to show a passive role for women. Stronger women in comics were often seen in boys' comics. Not true in some sense in Japan when women were shown to have a lead role.
The views from the very long lived series called "The Rose of Versailles" was considered a masterpiece and even when it ended with the death of the main character, it won the hearts of the young teens. This again was back in the 1970s, where a lot of the shojo manga picked up and started to become much more powerful, with the 1980s and 1990s coming with CLAMP and many other animation companies to follow.
A first, most of the stories were of course very yuri (girl and girl) which was more for the fact that it was put in the idea of female friendships and love being more platonic and not very physical. It was by no means hentai, series like "Strawberry Panic," "St. Mary is Watching Us," and many others followed this tradition, even "Sailor Moon" with a lesbian couple, Haruka and Michiru who were seeming to be heroes too.
In some cases the social network scheme for girls has remained the same in Japan, but not so much in the United States or some other nations due to the different cultures.
Shojo though is also read by some males, mostly for entertainment and comedy, it isn't just for girls anymore. There are almost as many males reading it as females in the last couple of years in the United States alone. The world could consist of more. The reason for this
is because many still believe comic books are meant for children. Even with the scale of protections.
Also what has become evident since this book was written a lot of the information about the readers has changed a little.
Some of the series does have some characters that have become much more complex. Series like "Black Butler" actually has a male following as well as female following of fans. There is also still the idea of yaoi that seems to follow most series these days. Then again, I am going to say this now, I am neither a fan of yaoi and usually though it not my favorite, I'm not going to say anything bad against it.
Yaoi has become part of the Shojo simply through the writings and modeling from the 1970s, several series that came out went from this period and has helped in the expanision.
What is also unique about Shojo is that many artists who are known for male dominate manga actually started out doing female comics. Osamu Tezuka before Astro-boy actually did a few female orientated manga that appeared in weekly Shojo magazines and have been reprinted several times. His classics include "Red Ribbon Knight" and "Kimba the White Lion", these were not jsut for girls and boys it was for adults as well.
Many of the great Mangaka (artists and writers) actually were born around 1949 to 1950 and became the driving force in most manga today. We have many writers who wee influenced by those of the past and have continued to raise their works up to the standard we know now.
What was also a driving force came not from Japan, but the United States from Walt Disney himself. He brought over more than just digital animation, but also a style was was unique. The Japanese went about improving it and it is now what we see today in most series and it is still an amazing way to tell a story.
In many cases we have a lot to be thankful for in anime and also manga because of this history. We see from the fact anime does come from the old commentaries of monks in illustrations, then when World War II was going, a lot of the artwork was more for war. There was other concepts that became part of the culture after the war, it was more that they wanted something that could become much more attached to leaving that part of their past behind.
Anime and Manga in general have risen from different sources. Mechademia volume 2 and many of the books that follow have pointed out the great amount of research and joys people have made about Anime.
As I said before I am neither for nor against yaoi, I am not the type of person who is actually a fan of the stories, but considering how important it is to have yaoi, I would not discount it as something wrong. Culturally it was bound to happen and though the United States had a huge wake up call when yaoi started to appear in mass during the early years 2000s. We are still getting what was popular back in the 1970s to 1990s coming in.
I would say that we are not done seeing yaoi or even yuri for that matter crossing into our anime and manga simply because of how important the social structure put it. From how I look at anime and manga in some sense as a researcher for mythology, I could not help but actually post this as part of a commentary I have about the topics.
Yes, I am not a fan of yaoi, but I am a fan of yuri, which is similar to some cases in history. And it would not surprise me that some people who are fans are also going to be interested in these facts about their yaoi.
So if you want to know about the book: Mechademia Volume 2: Networks of Desire
ISBN: 0-8166-5266-X
And if anyone else can help me find the rest of the series of books because I was told there are at least five more, please POST!
In many cases I can tell you a lot about Japanese anime in several forms, but I am going to talk at length about something that does have a lot to do with my work. This is something that has started to show up almost since 2002 with several different forms of yaoi. It isn't just about "Level C" or "Sensitive Pornograph". This is more about the fact some of the yaoi that is out there has a lot to do with the history and also the progression of Shojo (Female's Manga) in Japan.
Mechademia Volume 2
"Revolutionary Romance: The Rose of Versailles and the Tranformation of Shojo Manga" and "Shojo Manga! Girls' Comics! A Mirror of Girls' dreams" are the first two sections that speak at length about the history of comics in Japan for girls.
Girls' literary magazines in the 1920s and 1930s, the shojo shosetsu (girls' novels) and accompanying illustrations serialized in them, developed a recognizable aesthetic and literary style. (Pg 4)
From the start of the first set of comics made for guys, there has always been a set for girls, at least in the Japanese world. S

The views from the very long lived series called "The Rose of Versailles" was considered a masterpiece and even when it ended with the death of the main character, it won the hearts of the young teens. This again was back in the 1970s, where a lot of the shojo manga picked up and started to become much more powerful, with the 1980s and 1990s coming with CLAMP and many other animation companies to follow.
A first, most of the stories were of course very yuri (girl and girl) which was more for the fact that it was put in the idea of female friendships and love being more platonic and not very physical. It was by no means hentai, series like "Strawberry Panic," "St. Mary is Watching Us," and many others followed this tradition, even "Sailor Moon" with a lesbian couple, Haruka and Michiru who were seeming to be heroes too.
In some cases the social network scheme for girls has remained the same in Japan, but not so much in the United States or some other nations due to the different cultures.
Shojo though is also read by some males, mostly for entertainment and comedy, it isn't just for girls anymore. There are almost as many males reading it as females in the last couple of years in the United States alone. The world could consist of more. The reason for this

Also what has become evident since this book was written a lot of the information about the readers has changed a little.
Some of the series does have some characters that have become much more complex. Series like "Black Butler" actually has a male following as well as female following of fans. There is also still the idea of yaoi that seems to follow most series these days. Then again, I am going to say this now, I am neither a fan of yaoi and usually though it not my favorite, I'm not going to say anything bad against it.
Yaoi has become part of the Shojo simply through the writings and modeling from the 1970s, several series that came out went from this period and has helped in the expanision.
What is also unique about Shojo is that many artists who are known for male dominate manga actually started out doing female comics. Osamu Tezuka before Astro-boy actually did a few female orientated manga that appeared in weekly Shojo magazines and have been reprinted several times. His classics include "Red Ribbon Knight" and "Kimba the White Lion", these were not jsut for girls and boys it was for adults as well.
Many of the great Mangaka (artists and writers) actually were born around 1949 to 1950 and became the driving force in most manga today. We have many writers who wee influenced by those of the past and have continued to raise their works up to the standard we know now.
What was also a driving force came not from Japan, but the United States from Walt Disney himself. He brought over more than just digital animation, but also a style was was unique. The Japanese went about improving it and it is now what we see today in most series and it is still an amazing way to tell a story.

In many cases we have a lot to be thankful for in anime and also manga because of this history. We see from the fact anime does come from the old commentaries of monks in illustrations, then when World War II was going, a lot of the artwork was more for war. There was other concepts that became part of the culture after the war, it was more that they wanted something that could become much more attached to leaving that part of their past behind.
Anime and Manga in general have risen from different sources. Mechademia volume 2 and many of the books that follow have pointed out the great amount of research and joys people have made about Anime.
As I said before I am neither for nor against yaoi, I am not the type of person who is actually a fan of the stories, but considering how important it is to have yaoi, I would not discount it as something wrong. Culturally it was bound to happen and though the United States had a huge wake up call when yaoi started to appear in mass during the early years 2000s. We are still getting what was popular back in the 1970s to 1990s coming in.
I would say that we are not done seeing yaoi or even yuri for that matter crossing into our anime and manga simply because of how important the social structure put it. From how I look at anime and manga in some sense as a researcher for mythology, I could not help but actually post this as part of a commentary I have about the topics.
Yes, I am not a fan of yaoi, but I am a fan of yuri, which is similar to some cases in history. And it would not surprise me that some people who are fans are also going to be interested in these facts about their yaoi.
So if you want to know about the book: Mechademia Volume 2: Networks of Desire
ISBN: 0-8166-5266-X
And if anyone else can help me find the rest of the series of books because I was told there are at least five more, please POST!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Research Revamp
Summer plans
I have already ordered and will be working on redoing some of the information on my notes, some of it isn't as good as I want it to be....
Also I am going to be working from this blog to get the updated materials and also where people can get a hold of me through blogger on just about any panels I will be holding for 2011 to 2012, there will be announcements of what conventions that I will be giving the panel.
I am also going to be sending the book to a publisher sometime this fall. If anyone wants to know which, I can't say. There are several conventions that have approached Lee (fiance), who has become my agent of sorts, which is a glad movement.
Business Cards and Flyers
Plans as of late, I will be putting up flyers at the panels I am at that will have this blogger mentioned and also attempts to put together a discussion via this site and maybe Yahoo Groups to see if we can have open dialogue on the topics. These will include Demonology, Religions of Japan, Eastern Philosophies, some Western Philosophical views on Japan, History, and also the anime itself that has been influenced by these elements.
Animeland Wasabi: Success Story, Testing for future Panels
The Q and A with people have been pretty good, it was spreading to Nan Desu Kan, which is a good thing. I am happy to say, that even though I am working hard to get things sorted out. Animeland is actually a good testing ground for new things, not to mention the responses and the people who came were still good. I love the responses and also having Lee managing the crowd control will be a good success.
Donations to Red Cross: PLEASE
Please donate to your local Red Cross to help Japan, I am not saying much on this other than the fact yes, I know people in Japan and have on other blogs told people about my friends and family living there. The country will build up and they are a proud nation, let this be a lesson, nature is not to be trifled with lightly.
With this information in tow, I have to proceed more highly on the mythology panel and also work more toward getting to the nation to get this information. Losing it isn't a good thing, and it preserves that culture. I am a great lover of history and cultural history, I will tell you the difference in a later post.
Please donate to the Red Cross to help Japan and also pray for the country in this time.
Conventions Schedules
As I said, when I find out what conventions will be having my panels, I will announce it to you on this blog. Don't go to my LJ for that information, this is a more current blog and also I will be updating my research. Don't go crazy if you miss my panels at one convention. I am going to be requesting that there will be a video feed at sometime of the panels so people can actually watch it at their leisure, I will tell you this much, please for any classes you take on mythology of Asia, PLEASE don't use me as a source, please just look up the books that I used as well as the anime that was used. You will find it far more beneficial for papers and also research. You can however use me as a source if you need to, but I am not going to be held responsible for your grades.
All conventions will be listed on this blog and if you are attending, we will make sure to open the floor. Open floor Q and A has become a new style and we are hoping to keep it.
Mythology After Dark Program: Scrapped
After Dark will not be returning to being finished until maybe fall of 2012, I will ask people who are fans of this program to please be patient. The problem with the After Dark it leaves little room for Q and A and more for the fact that the person who was running with me, was at the time unable to attend due to family emergencies.
We do however welcome assistant Marc whose knowledge on Mythology will be working with us to build the newest addition. Japanese Ghosts and Ghost Stories: A Survivors Guide, will be added to the string of panels for After Dark.
I will ask people to remain patient in this time.
I have already ordered and will be working on redoing some of the information on my notes, some of it isn't as good as I want it to be....
Also I am going to be working from this blog to get the updated materials and also where people can get a hold of me through blogger on just about any panels I will be holding for 2011 to 2012, there will be announcements of what conventions that I will be giving the panel.
I am also going to be sending the book to a publisher sometime this fall. If anyone wants to know which, I can't say. There are several conventions that have approached Lee (fiance), who has become my agent of sorts, which is a glad movement.
Business Cards and Flyers
Plans as of late, I will be putting up flyers at the panels I am at that will have this blogger mentioned and also attempts to put together a discussion via this site and maybe Yahoo Groups to see if we can have open dialogue on the topics. These will include Demonology, Religions of Japan, Eastern Philosophies, some Western Philosophical views on Japan, History, and also the anime itself that has been influenced by these elements.
Animeland Wasabi: Success Story, Testing for future Panels
The Q and A with people have been pretty good, it was spreading to Nan Desu Kan, which is a good thing. I am happy to say, that even though I am working hard to get things sorted out. Animeland is actually a good testing ground for new things, not to mention the responses and the people who came were still good. I love the responses and also having Lee managing the crowd control will be a good success.
Donations to Red Cross: PLEASE
Please donate to your local Red Cross to help Japan, I am not saying much on this other than the fact yes, I know people in Japan and have on other blogs told people about my friends and family living there. The country will build up and they are a proud nation, let this be a lesson, nature is not to be trifled with lightly.
With this information in tow, I have to proceed more highly on the mythology panel and also work more toward getting to the nation to get this information. Losing it isn't a good thing, and it preserves that culture. I am a great lover of history and cultural history, I will tell you the difference in a later post.
Please donate to the Red Cross to help Japan and also pray for the country in this time.
Conventions Schedules
As I said, when I find out what conventions will be having my panels, I will announce it to you on this blog. Don't go to my LJ for that information, this is a more current blog and also I will be updating my research. Don't go crazy if you miss my panels at one convention. I am going to be requesting that there will be a video feed at sometime of the panels so people can actually watch it at their leisure, I will tell you this much, please for any classes you take on mythology of Asia, PLEASE don't use me as a source, please just look up the books that I used as well as the anime that was used. You will find it far more beneficial for papers and also research. You can however use me as a source if you need to, but I am not going to be held responsible for your grades.
All conventions will be listed on this blog and if you are attending, we will make sure to open the floor. Open floor Q and A has become a new style and we are hoping to keep it.
Mythology After Dark Program: Scrapped
After Dark will not be returning to being finished until maybe fall of 2012, I will ask people who are fans of this program to please be patient. The problem with the After Dark it leaves little room for Q and A and more for the fact that the person who was running with me, was at the time unable to attend due to family emergencies.
We do however welcome assistant Marc whose knowledge on Mythology will be working with us to build the newest addition. Japanese Ghosts and Ghost Stories: A Survivors Guide, will be added to the string of panels for After Dark.
I will ask people to remain patient in this time.
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