Sunday, May 1, 2011

Research Revamp

Summer plans
I have already ordered and will be working on redoing some of the information on my notes, some of it isn't as good as I want it to be....

Also I am going to be working from this blog to get the updated materials and also where people can get a hold of me through blogger on just about any panels I will be holding for 2011 to 2012, there will be announcements of what conventions that I will be giving the panel.

I am also going to be sending the book to a publisher sometime this fall. If anyone wants to know which, I can't say. There are several conventions that have approached Lee (fiance), who has become my agent of sorts, which is a glad movement.

Business Cards and Flyers
Plans as of late, I will be putting up flyers at the panels I am at that will have this blogger mentioned and also attempts to put together a discussion via this site and maybe Yahoo Groups to see if we can have open dialogue on the topics. These will include Demonology, Religions of Japan, Eastern Philosophies, some Western Philosophical views on Japan, History, and also the anime itself that has been influenced by these elements.

Animeland Wasabi: Success Story, Testing for future Panels
The Q and A with people have been pretty good, it was spreading to Nan Desu Kan, which is a good thing. I am happy to say, that even though I am working hard to get things sorted out. Animeland is actually a good testing ground for new things, not to mention the responses and the people who came were still good. I love the responses and also having Lee managing the crowd control will be a good success.

Donations to Red Cross: PLEASE
Please donate to your local Red Cross to help Japan, I am not saying much on this other than the fact yes, I know people in Japan and have on other blogs told people about my friends and family living there. The country will build up and they are a proud nation, let this be a lesson, nature is not to be trifled with lightly.

With this information in tow, I have to proceed more highly on the mythology panel and also work more toward getting to the nation to get this information. Losing it isn't a good thing, and it preserves that culture. I am a great lover of history and cultural history, I will tell you the difference in a later post.

Please donate to the Red Cross to help Japan and also pray for the country in this time.

Conventions Schedules
As I said, when I find out what conventions will be having my panels, I will announce it to you on this blog. Don't go to my LJ for that information, this is a more current blog and also I will be updating my research. Don't go crazy if you miss my panels at one convention. I am going to be requesting that there will be a video feed at sometime of the panels so people can actually watch it at their leisure, I will tell you this much, please for any classes you take on mythology of Asia, PLEASE don't use me as a source, please just look up the books that I used as well as the anime that was used. You will find it far more beneficial for papers and also research. You can however use me as a source if you need to, but I am not going to be held responsible for your grades.

All conventions will be listed on this blog and if you are attending, we will make sure to open the floor. Open floor Q and A has become a new style and we are hoping to keep it.

Mythology After Dark Program: Scrapped
After Dark will not be returning to being finished until maybe fall of 2012, I will ask people who are fans of this program to please be patient. The problem with the After Dark it leaves little room for Q and A and more for the fact that the person who was running with me, was at the time unable to attend due to family emergencies.

We do however welcome assistant Marc whose knowledge on Mythology will be working with us to build the newest addition. Japanese Ghosts and Ghost Stories: A Survivors Guide, will be added to the string of panels for After Dark.

I will ask people to remain patient in this time.

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