After collecting as much as I can for the summer to read, I'm kind of surprised at the moment with all the new information that I am gathering and preparing to do a rewrite yet again. I will be posting a perspective idea onto the blog soon that will be interesting.
I am working with Animeland Wasabi with planning a new set of panels for 2012, and also preparing with looking at out of state conventions to do the panels there. If anyone wants to join in, please understand, the best part is that we care about nearly everyone's opinion.
The blog will be put on a flyer for Animeland Wasabi next year so people can access it and also get information or find out new books we are looking into.
Each update, I'm going to post some of the books that are becoming part of my research, if you can find them, that's amazing and fun. Also be aware that if you are using these for research in classes, be sure to know your formats.
An Introduction to Oriental Mythology
Clio Whittaker
1-55521-451-7This is actually an excellent example of some of the artwork and also some of the pictures show some of the temples and statues of the Gods.
Recommendations for formatting a paper for classes
If you are a high school or college student you must remember what the formats for most of the research. There are the Chicago style, which has footnotes and information pertaining to the book. There is MLA which I can't remember what the acronym is for, but this is the basic, this has a works cited page located at the end where you put your cited works. There is also the AP

For classes in English, usually the MLA format is the accepted form you use, while some will actually as for AP or even Chicago. Though if you are attending most high schools, you are expected to have the MLA format as standard.
Here is a listing of books for MLA:
MLA Handbook for Writing of Research Papers
Writer's Inc. (used by most high schools)
APA, or American Psychological Association has its own style as well, these are used in classes that are for Philosophy and also Psychology courses. These are mostly used in colleges and some high school classes.
Books for APA:
The APA Pocket handbook
Consise Rules of APA style
Mastering APA style
The AP or Associated Press is usually used by journalism students and often has been used to do journals as well as books, and sometimes magazines. I encourage many people to actually read some of the magazines outside of popular ones. Newspapers use the AP style and also have a lot of pictures.
Books for AP:
The Associated Press Stylebook 2009
The Associated Press Stylebook
The Associated Press stylebook and Briefing on Media Law 2011
The last style I am going to talk about is Chicago, you will see these in some textbooks with the footnotes on the bottom. Then you have a standard works cited page. Mostly history and some of the ancient philosophy books will have it in this format. Sometimes even law books too, but that's a rarity among books.
The Chicago Manual of Style
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