A new panel will be added to Animeland Wasabi 2012, the Sailor Moon panel: Twenty Years of Sailor Moon. This is going to sport some information and also memories of one of the finest shows to hit the US since Evangelion. This is a panel I am doing with a good friend of mine, Tony Lewis who is a long time fan and also started his first panel with Hetalia World Summit, with me as the Zombie obsessed country, Romania.
Give us the best of luck, we're going to need it.
Slight Panic
After a few personal problems that were none of my creation, Lee and I will be continuing the traditional panel for Animeland on Japanese Mythology and also Shiki, the new views on Vampires in animation. We are also going to be updating several new things on Vampires Den, including membership and as well as events that are outside the realm of horror. If anyone is interested, please contact us at our site: Vampires Den 101.
As a personal note of thanks goes to SupremeUnknown on youtube, you did me a service and I can't erase that kind of thing. Thank you again for helping with the personal matter....hope that I can return the favor someday.
I'm pretty sure that this time, I will make sure that a certain someone should not be allowed to get an autograph, considering it isn't worth my time.
What you can expect
For the new panels for Animeland....well....a new Q and A, one on one with the panelist, a chance to actually take a look at our notes. Add some comments and also ask more questions on what you want to see. If you are interested, I will bring you a rough draft of the book itself and have you take a look at the first several chapters.
Also a chance for you to actually have a good look at the books that I used for research, though some of the packets are actual college notes taken during a communications class. If you were interested in also one other more interesting fact, we are trying to talk to an expert in the field and see if they are willing to come to talk at the convention. Though it might not be high on their priority list.
Project Lunning
I am going to try yet again to talk to the writer of Mechademia and see if I can at least get her to come to Animeland Wasabi....its harder now than ever to get a hold of people. If you are a fan of yaoi and also all things Mecha related in the art field, please realize, I might not be into either, but I am trying to do this for your benefit.
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