Thursday, May 23, 2013


There is someone I would like to thank, this person worked on the side with me, if it were not for dedication and work, I doubt things would have progressed any further than it did. Sadly, I lost contact with this person and though I wish I could start anew, I doubt I would have ever gotten this far.

If he is reading this, I'm sorry to say, I am not very good anymore at talking to anyone. The past is painful enough for me, since 2010, I'm sorry to say, the person has fallen from view. I feel bad for him and I sincerely hope he is doing well.

Yes, I'm talking about a co-panelist of mine, a friend and a good person who got information. Sadly now that things are as they are, I am still blaming myself for things that cannot change. I'm sorry once more that things are as they are.

Other people I do need to think about thanking, my friends, the ones who stuck by me, especially my friend, Keith, Tony, and many more. I don't know how much more I can list off, but there are just so many. Truth is the one person that should top this list is Sage, truth is, when the book gets publish, his name should be in the acknowledgements, simply for the fact he was dedicated to his information, he was a great friend, a good person, and I one day hope to hand him this book and tell him, "This is just for you, and you were apart of it. Thank you." Truth is, I don't know if I will ever be able to.

Sadly plans have changed, I will not be in attendance at Denver Comic Con, not really a big loss if you ask me, I'm kind of working too much and I'm finally getting 40 hours at work. I'm still busy working on book information and also trying to get a hold of some sources.

If anyone still wants to meet with me in regards to my work and books, I'm slightly working on different projects. One being and helping some of the local Bronies and Pegasisters. So hopefully things will straighten out soon.

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